About Zoje Swim
Welcome! My name is Jen, and I am the proud momma of my sweet, loving, beautiful, beloved girl, Zoe. My company name “ZOJE” was created from both of our names,, the first two letters of our names combined. We are a women-owned business. My daughter is my whole world and heart. I wanted to show my daughter that she is capable of doing anything in life that she sets her heart and mind to, her souls desire. We live by Faith ALWAYS and perseverance.
Behind ZOJE SWIM are Jennifer & ZOE, (Mom & Daughter) both born in Michigan. Our mission with ZOJE SWIM is to embrace the effortless beauty of all women around the world. For women to feel secure in their own body, not limited by age, size or shape. Wear swimwear that you love and that feels great to you.
We believe all women deserve to feel Beautiful, Confident & Sexy. BE YOU!